Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Carving Hitty

I am carving an wooden Hitty doll from butternut. After all these years of carving wooden dolls I am carving a doll using several photos of the original Hitty at the Stockbridge Library as a reference.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


This sweet tiny doll affectionally known as Marigold. These 6 inch tiny dolls are the latest additions to my doll line. Being tiny and easy to carry I think this size will be the prefect collectors doll. She is made from paper clay with a cloth body. Her clothing is removable and made from a vintage hankie. She is SOLD. Actually my friend Lisa owns her. She is one of my loving & encouraging friends. Lisa is always giving me fabrics and hankies to make my lovely dolls.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Harlem for the Holidays II

I am so blessed to be able to be part of another Harlem for the Holidays art show at Laura Gadson Gallery. Dec 12-13 2015 NYC. Shimoda a fabulous jewelry artist and Laura host this awesome artist show.  I am one of the artist selling my one of a kind dolls.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Anything is Everything

How you do anything is how you do everything. Really stuck a cord with me! Since last August of 2014 I have lost 25 lbs. It is a slow downward battle but I feel so much better than I did a year ago. Last winter I back tracked 10 lbs (no exercise and too much sugar). I lost that 10 lbs and another 5 lbs so far this month. I see the error of my habits. For the first time ever I am seeing that giving up sugary food is a must do or die type of situation. So hard to admit but hey it is the truth. anything is everything! Even in my dollmaking. I strive to do my best so why shouldn't I have the best "health" possible! When I feel better I think more clearly and my creative energy flow is improved. When I eat too much sugar all my time is consumed with eating not making art. There is a connection between how I treat my body and how I creat dolls.

This is one of my latest cloth dolls dressed in all vintage cottons.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Musical that touched my heart!

What a awesome musical experience from the visual arts. Singing, praise dancing and pianist. Proceeds from the musical were for funds to be used for scholarships so students can attend the Beverly Thomas Fine Arts Institute held June 20th at Camp Baber in Cassopolis, MI 49031

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Quinlan Doll & Teddy Bear Show and Convention

Well I had a table at my first professional doll show on Philadelphia, PA last weekend. I was not prepared for all the activities... Classes, lectures, gallery shows and  show & sale on the last day of events. I was overwhelmed with the talent of over 100 doll and teddy bear artists. It was just amazing to say the least! Hey I made a few sales which tickled me to death. Made a lot of new friends and brought back the sweetest blue fur Teddy Bear by artist Darlene Allen of Raspberry Bears.
                       Darlene Allen of Raspberry Bears with her wonderful bears & animals. 

        Selfie of  Me and my new bear Blueberry

My display table at show! I sold the little boy doll in the front. Forgot to take photo of buyer with doll! Dang! An Asian man who really loved the doll ....Darn oh well I am so glad he got a great home!
                  Alice Swann's wooden dolls
                             Ankie Daanen 
                          Diane Keeler
                    Mark A Dennis
                      Lillian Alberti
                         Gloria Davis
           Valarie Moyer purchased Gloria's doll
                  Adriana Esqueda

                       Wilma and her new acquired Teddy Bears
                   Wanda I meet her at the airport waiting for the Clarion Hotel Shuttle
        The Bear Lady with her travel bear they have been around the world so many places
        I can't remember! 
                        Gloria and Joyce having a great time at the show
                         Ladies from the Mount Vernon Doll Club in NYC
                                   Colleen with her Willie Nelson doll
                                              Dian with her artist bear
                                 Adriana with her table of wonderful dolls

Sunday, March 8, 2015

My birthday dinner!

Walter took me to the Woodfire for a lovely meal! I got a big card and a dozen pink roses! You did great dear husband! 60 looks good on me ! Thank you God!