Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Anything is Everything

How you do anything is how you do everything. Really stuck a cord with me! Since last August of 2014 I have lost 25 lbs. It is a slow downward battle but I feel so much better than I did a year ago. Last winter I back tracked 10 lbs (no exercise and too much sugar). I lost that 10 lbs and another 5 lbs so far this month. I see the error of my habits. For the first time ever I am seeing that giving up sugary food is a must do or die type of situation. So hard to admit but hey it is the truth. anything is everything! Even in my dollmaking. I strive to do my best so why shouldn't I have the best "health" possible! When I feel better I think more clearly and my creative energy flow is improved. When I eat too much sugar all my time is consumed with eating not making art. There is a connection between how I treat my body and how I creat dolls.

This is one of my latest cloth dolls dressed in all vintage cottons.